I’ve always had a longing to better understand the inner workings of my mind. I just felt as though once I came to Christ, that search was off limits to me. I assumed, surely that is me operating out of my own knowledge and strength. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It warms God’s heart to see us seeking wisdom and understanding, whether that be about the Word, the world, the history of Jesus, our minds, etc. Here are some questions I’ve asked myself: Why is it that I act based off of my fearful assumptions? Why is it that I fear my gifts are invaluable? Why does it feel as though I am going nowhere in life? Why is it that every time I feel like I’ve finally reached a peak in my life, I get pushed right back down? If you can relate to any of these questions, then I believe we may be a lot more similar than you think. Meaning, the revelation God has given me may be just as impactful and life-changing for you as it's been for me. Let’s see...